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城市绿地空间结构对绿地生态场的影响   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:14  
国内外对城市绿地生态效应的研究主要有以下3个特点:一是基于GIS技术,在中尺度上(一般以一个城市作为研究对象)开展城市绿地与城市气候的相关分析;二是以绿地斑块为单位,观测比较不同结构绿地内部的小气候效应;三是基于植物蒸腾理论,通过计算绿色生长量估测不同结构绿地内的小气候效应.对自然生态系统的研究结果表明,城市绿地作为一个开放的生物系统,必将通过系统交换对绿地周围的环境产生影响.绿地与非绿地空间的系统交换过程不仅仅与植物的叶面积指数有关,还要受到绿地斑块的大小、几何形状、植物类型、生长密度与高度及周边环境和气候条件等因素的影响.尽管植物生态场理论的研究侧重对植物群落中个体的空间作用,尤其是相邻植物竞争过程的分析,但其理论构架和计算方法有可能为城市绿地生态效应的研究开辟一条新的路径. 试验者在太原市区选择了6个不同空间结构的绿地样地.使用温湿度记录仪观测了绿地周边的温湿度变化,并利用植物生态场理论作了分析.提出用生态场强、场梯度和场幅作为城市绿地生态效应的主要评价指标.其中,场强用绿地内侧5m处的测试数据与对照的差值来表示.其含义为绿地对周边环境温度或湿度的干扰强度.场梯度是指相邻两个数据的差值.场幅即场影响范围. 结果表明,绿地面积、林分和生长量等绿地空间结构因子对绿地的生态场特征都不同程度地产生影响.在其他结构因子相近或相同的条件下,当绿地面积达到一定时,随着面积的进一步增加,绿地降温和增湿的幅度(场幅)有降低的趋势.与片林相比,草坪的增湿效果好于降温效果.分析结果显示,利用生态场理论能够更好地描述城市不同空间结构绿地的生态效应及其差异.  相似文献   
城市绿化竹子生态适应性评价   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
针对城市绿化竹种要求,选择生长和抗性指标,用集对分析方法,分析和评价华安竹种园200个丛生竹和散混生竹种(或变种)生态适应性,结果表明:丛生竹种中,黄竹、小叶琴丝竹、糯竹、花竹、乡土竹、妈竹、青竿竹、泰竹等在华安生态适应性好,银丝大眼竹、孟竹、大绿竹、麻竹、白节勒竹、撑篙竹、石角竹、大木竹、小刺竹、勃氏甜龙竹、鱼肚腩竹等竹种生态适应性较差,其它竹种适应性中等.而散混生竹种中,衢县苦竹、实心竹、南平倭竹、矮若竹、乌哺鸡竹、毛竹、高节竹、红哺鸡竹、毛环水竹、斑苦竹、满山爆竹、斑箨茶秆竹等竹种适应性较好;缅甸方竹、四季竹、玉山竹篌竹、花毛竹、金镶玉竹等竹种适应性较差,其它竹种适应性中等.  相似文献   
城市林地与非林地大气SO季节动态变化   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
SO2作为主要的大气污染物之一,对人体与环境具有严重危害,导致酸雨后危害更大,尤其是长江以南省区污染严重。对长沙和株洲市区内2种类型区域———城市林地与城市非林地空气SO2浓度通过近1a(2004-01~2005-01)的同时进行对比定位观测,用甲醛吸收副玫瑰苯胺分光光度法分析,结果表明:从两市2种类型采样地空气SO2浓度水平总体与分别来看,SO2浓度年内变化均具有明显季节性波动特征(p=0·001),冬季最高,秋季最低;除冬季二者SO2浓度较为接近外,其他各季株洲非林地观测区SO2浓度均高于同季节长沙非林地观测区SO2浓度。空气SO2浓度季节性变化与当地的地理环境、气候条件、采暖期与工业生产布局等因素有较大的关系。其中,燃煤、降水、风速风向和气温是影响空气SO2浓度变化主要的污染源与气候条件因素。空气SO2浓度水平还与所在地有无林木覆盖关系密切。无林地空气SO2浓度年均值(0·18±0·08)mg/m3,有林地空气SO2浓度年均值(0·09±0·07)mg/m3,二者间存在极其显著差异(p=0·001)。林木生理活性季节性变化对植物调节空气SO2浓度季节变化的能力有一定的影响。按林地SO2浓度减缓效应大小排序,依次是夏季(55·4%)>冬季(54·1%)>秋季(49·3%)>春季(29·6%)。城市森林作为一种有效的生物措施在控制和治理城市大气SO2污染实践中具有重要作用,不失为一种经济可行、高效的环境保护措施,应着力提高城市森林覆盖率。  相似文献   
Abstract The absence of small birds from many suburban areas may be due to adverse garden characteristics, interspecific aggression or human behaviour such as supplementary food provisioning that encourages predators. We investigated the relationship between these factors and the presence of seven small bird species in Sydney through a community‐based survey. The survey was conducted by participants over a 7‐day period between 7 am and 10 am in November and early December 2000. Three dominant species, the noisy miner (Manorina melanocephala), pied currawong (Strepera graculina) and common myna (Acridotheres tristis) were each present in over 59% of gardens. Each small bird species was present in less than 40% of gardens. All small birds were negatively associated with noisy miners, but only the silvereye (Zosterops lateralis) was negatively associated with pied currawongs. None of the species of small birds was negatively associated with common mynas. Four species of small birds were associated with at least one habitat variable, notably the proportion of native vegetation. Although more birds were recorded in gardens in which meat was provided, there were significantly fewer small birds in these gardens. There were also more birds recorded in gardens where seed was provided, with red‐browed finches (Neochmia temporalis) positively associated with seed provisioning in most regions of Sydney. The presence of dogs and cats was not related to the total abundance of birds overall or small birds in gardens. While garden characteristics may influence the presence of small birds to some degree, the presence of noisy miners, a species that are thought to aggressively exclude other species from their territories, is likely to be an important influence on these species in suburban areas. Furthermore, supplementary feeding by people is likely to negatively influence some small birds. The presence of carnivorous pets does not seem to influence the presence of small birds at the scale of the individual garden.  相似文献   
Abstract Remnant habitats within and surrounding urbanized areas are becoming increasingly important for maintaining butterfly diversity. The ‘Pollard walk’ protocol has been used widely overseas to estimate and monitor species diversity and abundance of butterflies. However, there has been limited use of this technique in Australia. Here, we used the Pollard walk method to estimate the diversity of butterflies at three urban sites around Adelaide, South Australia: Belair National Park (BNP), Shepherds Hill Recreation Park (SHRP) and Brownhill Creek Recreation Park (BCRP). In total, 21 species of butterfly were detected across the three sites. Pollard walks detected butterfly species from five families, including rare and highly localized lycaenid and hesperiid species. The highest diversity of species was found at BCRP (16) followed by BNP (14) and SHRP (14). Multivariate analysis on the data revealed a distinct and temporally variable butterfly community at BNP when compared with the SHRP and BCRP. The results of this study show that the Pollard walk can be effectively used to distinguish communities and detect a wide variety of butterflies, including cryptic and rare species, within urban habitats of Adelaide.  相似文献   
The riverine forests of the northern city of Edmonton, Alberta, Canada display strong resilience to disturbance and are similar in species composition to southern boreal mixedwood forest types. This study addressed questions such as, how easily do exotic species become established in urban boreal forests (species invasiveness) and do urban boreal forest structural characteristics such as, native species richness, abundance, and vertical vegetation layers, confer resistance to exotic species establishment and spread (community invasibility)? Eighty-four forest stands were sampled and species composition and mean percent cover analyzed using ordination methods. Results showed that exotic tree/shrub types were of the most concern for invasion to urban boreal forests and that exotic species type, native habitat and propagule supply may be good indicators of invasive potential. Native forest structure appeared to confer a level of resistance to exotic species and medium to high disturbance intensity was associated with exotic species growth and spread without a corresponding loss in native species richness. Results provided large-scale evidence that diverse communities are less vulnerable to exotic species invasion, and that intermediate disturbance intensity supports species coexistence. From a management perspective, the retention of native species and native forest structure in urban forests is favored to minimize the impact of exotic species introductions, protect natural succession patterns, and minimize the spread of exotic species.  相似文献   
Many studies have demonstrated the changes in the spatial patterns of plant and animal communities with respect to habitat fragmentation. Insular communities tend to exhibit some special patterns in connection with the characteristics of island habitats. In this paper, the relationships between richness, assemblage, and abundance of bird communities with respect to island features were analyzed in 20 urban woodlots in Hangzhou, China. Field investigations of bird communities, using the line transect method, were conducted from January to December, 1997. Each woodlot was surveyed 16 times during the year. Results indicated that bird richness was higher, per unit area, in the smaller woodlots than the larger ones, and overall bird density decreased with the increase in the size of woodlot. However, the evenness of species abundance increased with the area, and small woodlots were usually dominated by higher density species and large woodlots by medium density species. Most species occurring in the small woodlots also occurred in larger woodlots. Also, bird communities among urban woodlots showed a nestedness pattern in assemblage. These patterns implied that the main impacts of woodland habitat fragmentation are: (1) species are constricted and thus species number will increase at a given sample size; (2) as surface area decreases, the proportion of forest edge species as to interior species will increase; (3) community abundance will therefore increase per unit area but most individuals will be from a few dominant species; and (4) overall species diversity will decrease at a habitat level as well as at a region level. These patterns of community in response to the island features were therefore summarized as “island effects in community”. The underlying processes of such observations were also examined in this paper. Woodlot area, edge ratio, isolation, and habitat nestedness were considered as the important factors forming the island effects in community. High heterogeneity between habitats usually contributed most to the maintenance of regional biodiversity, especially in urban woodlots. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25(4): 657–663 [译自: 生态学报, 2005, 25(4): 657–663]  相似文献   
城市间绿化程度与空气污染比较及相关差异分析是提出城市环境管理措施的重要前提。选择全国27个主要省会城市,基于网络街景照片测定绿色指数差异,对比空气主要质量指标[空气质量指数(AQI)、细颗粒物(PM2.5)、可吸入颗粒物(PM10)、二氧化硫(SO_2)、二氧化氮(NO_2)、臭氧(O_3)、一氧化碳(CO)]的基础上,探讨了二者相关关系,旨在为提升环境质量、改善绿化水平提供基础数据。结果表明:(1)济南市和重庆市的绿色指数最高,分别达到是11.70%和11.55%,呼和浩特市和拉萨市城市绿色指数最低,在4%~5%。(2)海口市的空气质量最好,AQI为39.66,郑州市和济南市的空气质量最差,AQI年均值分别为117.34和113.93。但是不同空气指标城市排序间差异较大,比如PM2.5、PM10、NO_2以及SO_2年平均最低的城市都是海口,拉萨市年平均CO含量最低(0.55 mg·m-3),哈尔滨市年平均O_3含量最低(77.08μg·m-3)。(3)相关关系分析发现,增加城市的绿色程度,伴随着空气质量的改善,如沈阳、南宁、合肥等城市;但对于某些城市,则存在明显的正相关,如兰州、昆明、贵阳等城市,这意味着城市越绿伴随着空气污染的加重。尽管大量研究已经表明,城市绿色植被能够起到滞尘降低污染的作用,目前我国主要城市的空气污染程度,仅依靠城市绿化改善已经远远不够,甚至某一些城市绿色植被存在阻碍空气流通的作用。上述研究结果为科学规划城市绿化、提升空气质量提供基础数据支撑。  相似文献   
基于PSR模型构建资源环境承载力评价体系,利用熵权法、综合指数模型和GIS的空间分析功能对兰州-西宁(兰西)城市群资源环境承载力进行时空动态剖析,并运用障碍度模型识别其障碍因子。结果表明: 2005—2018年,兰西城市群资源环境承载力呈波动上升态势,资源环境承载力状况较好;资源环境承载力变异系数亦有波动上升趋势,区域差异逐步扩大。资源环境承载力空间上总体呈现以兰州与西宁主城区为中心的“双核”结构特征,高水平区主要集中于以兰州市和西宁市为中心的河湟谷地及其周边部分县区,低水平区集中于城市群中部、南部地区。其中,资源环境承载力子系统指数的时空分异特征显著,压力指数呈波动下降态势,空间上呈现以兰州与西宁市区为中心向外围地区递减的分布特征;状态指数呈波动上升态势,呈东西两翼高、中部低的空间演化特征;响应指数整体呈上升态势,空间上呈东高西低、中高外低的格局特征。城镇化率、人均工业废水排放量、生活垃圾无害化处理率、水耗指数和环保投资占GDP比重是制约兰西城市群资源环境承载能力提升的主要障碍因子。  相似文献   
三维绿量能够客观、准确描述城市绿化水平,可为定量研究城市绿地生态功能的机理提供可靠的数据基础。针对单位附属绿地分布分散、规模较小等特点,本研究提出一种面向该类城市绿地的三维绿量估算方案,该方案包括数据获取、处理、实体分割、分类和单木冠层提取以及三维绿量计算的环节。首先,利用背包式激光雷达测量系统获取三维点云数据,利用变尺度地面点滤波算法剔除地面点云;然后,利用基于密度的聚类算法对非地面点云进行聚类,且基于密度特征的竞争算法对重叠区域进行二次分割,形成独立对象;接着,利用PointNet++模型提取植物点云,根据枝叶点云主方向差异性以及轴向分布密度提取冠层点云;最后,使用凸包法计算单木冠层三维绿量,累计每株木的三维绿量得到区域三维绿量。以某科技园区为例,估算其总三维绿量为21034.95 m3,其中,芒果树株数最多,三维绿量总量最大,为4868.64 m3,占23.2%;单株三维绿量最大的树种为小叶榄仁,平均每株为120.37 m3。本研究方案估算的树木三维绿量与传统方法的相对误差在10.7%~33.7%,平均相对误差为20.9%;与台积法的相对误差在2.7%~16.0%,平均相对误差为8.7%。本研究方案充分利用三维点云数据特性,所用凸多面体逼近树冠的原始形态,更符合树木的实际情况。该三维绿量测量和估算方案可为城市三维绿量快速、精确估算提供新思路。  相似文献   
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